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Welcome to our collection page dedicated to postpartum nutrition for moms. At Charly and Charlotte, we understand that the postpartum period can be a difficult transition period for new moms. That's why we've put together a selection of essential products to help mums take care of themselves and recover in a healthy way after giving birth.

Healthy snacks for breastfeeding moms

When breastfeeding, it's important to eat nutrient-dense foods to help you produce enough milk for your baby. We offer a variety of healthy snacks for nursing moms, such as dried fruit and nut energy bars, nut and seed mixes, and high fiber cookies. All of our products are natural and free from artificial preservatives, making them a healthy and convenient option for busy moms.

Nutritional Supplements for Moms

We know that mums have specific nutritional needs after giving birth. That's why we've selected a range of nutritional supplements for mums, such as iron supplements to combat postpartum anaemia, vitamin D supplements to maintain bone and joint health, and probiotics. to maintain a healthy digestive system. All of our products are made from high quality, natural ingredients to help moms recover safely.

Recovery Teas for Moms

Tea is a natural and soothing way to relax and recover after childbirth. We offer a variety of recovery teas for moms, such as chamomile teas to promote relaxation, peppermint teas to help relieve stomach upset, and red raspberry teas to help regulate hormones and support milk production. All of our teas are made from high quality, organic ingredients to help mums relax and recover.


At Charly and Charlotte, we understand that postpartum nutrition is key to helping moms recover after giving birth. We are proud to offer a selection of high quality products to help mums take care of themselves and recover safely. Whether you're looking for healthy snacks, nutritional supplements, or recovery teas, we've got everything you need to get you through this transition period with peace of mind.